Humm Finance At Shirley’s Beauty & Laser Clinic


Shirley’s Beauty & Laser Clinic Are Now A Partner With Humm Finance!

Making It Even Easier to Pay For Your Beauty, Skin & Laser Treatments.

What is Humm?

Humm is Ireland’s latest way to pay, it is a retail instalment payment plan facility! In simple terms, it is an easy alternative to paying with cash or credit card for goods & services at Shirley’s Beauty & Laser Clinic.

Humm makes finance simple by allowing you to pay in fortnightly or monthly instalments. It is a method of buying your skincare products and services now and paying for them later. The best part is once you are approved for finance you get to begin using your treatments immediately!

You can select the plan that suits you and you can even pay back early without any penalties. Putting you in total control.

Humm Payment Plan Options

No Interest EverLow InterestSmall Interest
Spend€80 to €499€500 to €999€1000 to €3000
Payment Term5 Equal Payments6 to 12 Months12 to 18 Months
Application FeeN/A€10€40
Monthly FeeN/A€1€3.5
Interest Rate0%3.99%4.25%

Humm Payment Plan Examples

Payment Terms6 Months12 Months12 Months18 Months
Amount Required€999.00€999.00€3000€3000
Monthly Fee€1€1€3.5€3.5
Once Off Application Fee€10€10€40€40
Each Month You Pay€169.46€86.07€259.32€175.85
Interest Rate3.99%3.99%4.25%4.25%
Total Interest€27.76€43.84€151.84€205.3
Total To Repay€1026.76€1042.84€3,151.84€3,205.30

How do I avail of Humm?

In order to be able to use the Humm payment option, you must first apply for an account. You can do this by filling in a simple application form online from your mobile device if you Click Here. There are several different plans to choose from so you can decide how much money you need and which of the plans is best for you.

Sometimes there may be a small upfront application fee and a monthly account fee applied to your account. This amount will be added to the payment schedule so you will always know exactly how much money you need to pay every month.

I have been approved for humm finance, what do I do now?

Once you have been approved for your Humm account you can come in to the clinic or call us on 0214822945. We will be able to access your application on our system using your mobile phone number. We will then be able to go through your agreement with you and explain the term options and repayment schedules.

You do not need to supply us with your bank details. As long as you bring your Credit or Debit Card and a valid form of Photo ID, we will be able to complete your purchase. Your payments will be debited from the card that you provide on a date that you choose.

T0 be eligible for Humm you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years of age.

  • Provide proof of PPS Number, Photo ID & address.

  • Earn a minimum taxable income of €1,000 per month.

  • Have a current Credit or Debit Card.

  • Have a good credit history.

Can I pay off my Humm Finance Agreement early without any penalties or charges?

Yes, you can pay off your humm Agreement early without any additional fees, penalties or charges. You will only pay the balance owing (including interest) up until the point of closure. You can make additional payments at any time, and you can do this as often as you like – simply log in to your online customer portal (you will have received an email about logging in when you made your purchase), and clicking on your agreement number, and click making a “One-Off Payment”. As we said, you can do this is as often as you like! 

Important info:

*Upfront fee’s such as application fee’s, monthly account keeping fee (dependent on your plan) & interest per month after your interest free period is over are applicable depending on your bespoke plan. 

Notice: Under the Credit Reporting Act 2013 lenders are required to provide personal and credit information for credit applications of €500 and above to Central Credit Register.
This information will be held on the Central Credit register and may be used by other lenders when making decisions on Credit applications and credit agreements.